Everything is connected.


Our Services

The physical therapy assessments and treatments at Mosaic are rooted in the Integrated Systems Model (Diane Lee) and ConnectTherapy™ (LJ Lee).

These comprehensive frameworks were developed to assist physical therapists in the assessment and treatment of an injury from a whole body perspective. This whole body perspective allows clinicians to identify which systems in the body may be contributing to a person’s symptoms and guides them to effectively and efficiently treat them and support their healing.

This model of assessment and treatment honours that every person is unique. They have their own story, life experiences, clinical picture and healing journey, and as such there are no clinical recipes or protocols.  

This model also honours that everything is connected, and so our assessments reflect this.  We will assess all of you to be sure that we are treating not only the area where the pain exists or limitation presents, but also any areas that may be contributing to the non-optimal experience.


Treatment techniques that may be used within a care plan include:


◦ Orthopaedic manual techniques
(myofascial release, joint mobilization or manipulation)

◦ Individual exercise prescription

◦ Education regarding home and life management strategies

◦ Thoracic Ring Approach

◦ Connect Therapy

◦ Home or work ergonomic recommendations

◦ Cranial mobilization techniques

◦ Visceral mobilization techniques

◦ Neural Manipulation techniques

◦ Acupuncture/dry needling

◦ Proprioceptive taping

◦ Therapeutic Yoga techniques

◦ Breath work/breathing exercises

◦ Referral to and collaboration with other members of your health care team


Who do we treat

At Mosaic we are passionate about working with people who are committed to their health and healing journey.

We treat people of all ages who share the common goal of wanting to feel better as they move through life (whether that means performing as a high level athlete or musician, or feeling better as you parent your young kids). We want to be a part of your journey towards health, and are committed to helping you see your physical complaint as part of the big picture of your full health potential.

Fee Details

Payment Options
We accept all major credit cards, debit, or e-transfer

Direct Billing
We do not currently offer direct billing. Your clinician will provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your benefits provider for reimbursement.

Work-related Injury (WCB)
The clinicians at Mosaic are not authorized providers for WCB injuries, and are thus unable to bill WCB for any work related injuries.

Post Surgical/Post fracture
The clinicians at Mosaic do not have contracts with AHS and thus are unable to provide post surgical/post fracture care that is financially funded by AHS.  Many local clinics do however have AHS contracts and some funding is available at those clinics.  Please refer to the Alberta Health Services Website and search under “physiotherapy” for a list of clinics that provide this funding option.

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)
If you  were involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and sustained bodily injuries in that collision, you are entitled to benefits regardless of who was at fault.  The first step is to submit an AB-1 form to your insurance company as soon as you are able.  You then need to be assessed by a healthcare provider (GP, Physio or Chiropractor) within 10 days of the accident, and then he/she/they will complete the other required documentation and provide you with further information about how post - MVA care works.  If you are seeking treatment for MVA - related injuries please let your clinician know immediately.  

Low income
If cost is a limiting factor in your ability to access services at Mosaic, please discuss this with your clinician to see if you qualify for a low income rate.

Cancellation policy
Please provide us with 24 hours notice for any cancelations so that we may offer your allocated treatment time to another client. Last minute cancellations or no-shows will be billed the cost of a treatment session.